Sunday, December 23, 2012


FTL is a single player game rogue-like space game.

You control a space ship, and have to escape star systems before the federation can catch you. You want to explore as much of the system as possible though, so you can collect more awesome things for your ship. The awesome things include additional crew members, scrap (currency), weapons, drones, ship augmentations, and new ship systems and system upgrades.

The controls are just point and click, with a few hotkeys from the keyboard thrown in. Space bar is pause, which you will be using often.

The graphics are basic, but get the job done. Think 16-bit.

The real hook of the game is that when you die, that's it. Here's your high score and you can now start again from the beginning. They allow you to save a continue file, so you can resume later on, but that's deleted when you load it. It's basically for allowing you to take a break and come back later.

You can also unlock in-game achievements that allow you to unlock more ships. I highly recommend pursuing these, because dying and having to restart with the same ship gets boring fast.

Now I played the game legitly for about 10 deaths, then I gave up and started backing up my continue file, and reloading from it whenever I died. I didn't save it every time I visited a new location in a system, but I generally saved it after making it through a system. With this I was finally able to finish the game.

I would highly recommend picking up the game, as it was a ton of fun. I would honestly try to play it the normal way a few times before you give up and backup your save files.

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