Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dragon Age II - Legacy DLC

So I had beaten Dragon Age II a while back and really enjoyed it. There were a few complaints I'll agree on (area reuse, needing more impactful decisions), but overall it was a really enjoyable game.

Before I started on Legacy, I had to free up some bag space, because I only had about 3 bag spaces  left. A quick run to the Black Emporium, dump the junk, find out which staff does the most of each damage, ditch the lesser one, and purchase a few things with my rediculous ~250 gold (I still refuse to buy anything that isn't worth the cost). Now we're ready!

So I first thought I'd try out a party that does more damage, but doesn't have Aveline tanking. Yep, that fell on it's face. So now that I'm using my regular group Varric (range DPS), Aveline (tank), Fenris (melee DPS), and myself as a healing mage (keep's everyone alive), we're making progress again.

Each and every fight in this DLC was tactical, and fun to play. Keep in mind that there are switches on the battlefield that will trigger traps and make these fights much easier. I didn't notice some of these, and spent a lot longer on fights than I should have... There were also a few more puzzles and extra battles if you pursue it, which I like very much (anyone remember the Revenants in DA:O?)

The cut scenes and dialog were top notch, which was to be expected from any BioWare game. This also had really good boss battles, which made me remember some of the great ones in DA2 (high dragon fight, rock wraith, etc.)

The items were a decent enough upgrade that I actually spent a few minutes balancing out the party gear. There were still some junk/trash items, but with the extra bag space, that will just be something to manage next time.

The final battle felt very epic, and I'm glad that I was able to beat it on hard difficulty, even though I had to look up the tactics. The first few times I was fighting against an obvious mechanic and it was really frustrating. After I stopped that and did the fight using the mechanics that were obviously put in front of me, I got through it, no problem. I didn't even have to res anyone, although it got close a few times.

Should you buy this DLC? Absolutely. Should you purchase DA2 and this DLC if you don't have either? Yes. Am I a BioWare fanboy that can only say good things about BioWare games? I'll get back to you as soon as I find a BioWare game not worth buying and playing. *ka-zing!*