I'm really enjoyed this one. The upgrade system is excellent, as it was in Wings of Liberty, but with a nice Zerg twist.
I knew the story would have to slip into some way for you to play the Zerg, and I think they did it rather nicely.
The voice acting and cinematics are flawless, as expected.
The controls are superb, and they recently added (or reminded me) that pressing F2 will select your entire army. This is glorious for Zerg swarming.
There was a day I continually lost connection to Battle.net and then almost immediately reconnected. Very odd. Since I was achievement hunting, and those are disabled while you're disconnected that was also sad. It resolved itself quickly though.
The evolution choice missions are really well done. You get to see and play with both choices in action before deciding on one. I didn't see myself picking the non-lurker upgrade to the Hydralisk, but the mission really helped show how it could be used. Sometimes though the upgrades choices are not really choices -- the baneling mutation was one of those cases where one option was clearly better than the other.
The achievements are a nice touch, and some required a few plays to get right. I finished Heart of the Swarm with 76% of the achievements, whereas I only had 44% of the achievements on Wings of Liberty.
I would have to say this was better than Wings of Liberty, and one of the best RTS experiences I've had.
I'm really not good at competitive play, so I'm going to ignore that part of the game. I'm sure it's superb just like Brood War was...
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