It's got pretty good writing that keeps the story going.
And it has signs, where needed.
It's got puzzles galore. Each room is a puzzle. It's got tools you need to solve those puzzles. It has absolutely zero filler. Once you are done with a dungeon, you are done. Don't go back in, nothing to see there. Move on to more puzzles (see above sign)
There are also even more challenging short cuts, which have a posted sign to let you know it's harder than the other room puzzles (with a sign to let you know you're going the hard way)
The combat is a bit off in that enemies are not knocked back, and will walk through your hits to get at you. So you have to hit and run back to avoid getting hit yourself. The enjoyable part is the dynamics between how enemies react with the room puzzles and your tools. It's unbelievable imaginative.

There are even multiple ways to finish the game. You don't need to get all of the items!
I salute you game devs for doing an amazing job, and I apologize for not picking this up earlier on the OUYA. I ended up getting it on a Humble Bundle sale, and played it on Steam.
If your worried that it will take too long to complete, as I said above, there is no filler to this game. It's all puzzles and progress. I finished it in just over three hours. And I tried to solve every room and puzzle I could. Despite all of that, you can finish the game in under 15 minutes if you know exactly what you're doing. So you have no reason to not beat it!
Anyways, highly, highly recommended. The best Zelda non-Zelda game I've played in a long time.