Finished this with our games group.
Didn't mind the point and click adventure portion of this, although the spacing made me look up things to avoid some tedious back and forth a few times.
The gun fighting mechanics were a nice addition. Still, it would have been nice to see more examples of using your gun to solve things in the environment in addition to the usual use-inventory-item-on-thing solution.
The platforming mechanics felt clunky, but effective enough to vary the otherwise simple traversal methods (walk left/right, ladder, elevator).
Finding things with your flashlight made it easy to miss things. This was my common reason to go online to see what small object I did not notice while waving my flashlight up and down in hopes of finding interaction points. This was potentially a tricky issue to solve when 3 interaction points are very close to one another.
The visual style and ambient audio helped set the distopian theme. It felts like the ambient audio trailed off pretty early. The voice acting was solid throughout. Having a very dark color, it made screenshots difficult to take.
The ending was enjoyable, but I'm not sure where the next episode could go. Maybe there's more to this than they've revealed.