When starting out, go here and watch the bottom video. It will explain how fighting work. It makes a lot of sense, but is quite gaming intuitive, since more games don't get into the nitty gritty of how melee fighting works.
You can fudge your way through quite a few levels, but then you will hit a brick wall referred to as "3 wolves". There are enough forum posts about this specific fight to confirm I was not the only person to get massacred at this fight.
The controls are simple, and combinations of them are the key to performing different moves at different times.
The fighting animations and technical finesse are quite amazing, and the physics was enjoyable. Quite often something would happen that would trigger an explosion of force, so the enemy or you would ragdoll about 50 feet in the air. Hilarious (unless it's you, for the 20th time, again the 3 wolves...)
The graphics are outdated, but enough to get the point across. The moves are well understood when they're happening, the animations blend extremely well on the models.
I really liked that there's more depth in the game than is immediately visible. Wolves tracking by scent, they can smell blood, etc. If you want to ignore the details you can also just pretend they have a sixth sense and try to kill them anyways.
Would I recommend playing this game? Yes, because it's extremely unique and enjoyable once you understand the fighting.
Am I ashamed for not playing this earlier, since I've had this since the first Humble Bundle went live. Yes, yes I am.